ZF English

10m-euro investments for Clinica Polisano

01.06.2006, 00:00 10

The medical services division of the pharmaceuticals distributor Polisano intends to invest some 10 million euros in the next three years in opening new clinics and a private hospital. "The project involving the development of a medical services provider at a national level under the Clinica Polisano (Polisano Clinic) brand will be coordinated from Bucharest, with the investment plan for this year standing at 3 million euros," stated Cristian Sas, general manager of Clinica Polisano Bucharest. This is the first step that the company has made on the medical services market in the capital, as up until now it had only been present with its chain of Reteta drugstores. In Sibiu, the company owns a private hospital, which was opened following an investment worth 3 million euros, three years ago. "Our first clinic will open by the end of July and we hope others will follow by the end of the year," Sas added. He also said that company plans to open 3 clinics this year, as well as another two and a hospital in the next few years. ZF

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