ZF English

10m euro Selgros store in Timisoara

05.04.2004, 00:00 24

Selgros Cash & Carry company will, by the end of this August, open its first store in Timisoara, with the necessary investments worth about 10 million euros. The works on the new store, to be located on Calea Aradului, right outside Timisoara, started last week. "We hope that, by the end of this summer, we should be able to come up with an interesting offer for the people of Timisoara," stated Alexandru Vlad, the company's representative. The store will include a 9,000 sqm commercial area and have a parking lot of about 500 parking spaces. About 35,000 foodstuffs and non-foodstuffs, most of which manufactured locally, will be sold within the store. During their last meeting with local authorities, the company's representatives voiced their interest in collaborating with local suppliers. ZF


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