ZF English

53% higher BMW sales

14.12.2005, 20:08 6

Sales of BMW cars in Romania reached 1,311 units in the first 11 months of this year, up 53% on the same time last year. The sales forecast of the Automobile Bavaria importer pointed to 1,300 BMWs and Minis this year. Sales of the Mini brand rose by more than 63%, to 80 units, from the 49 units sold in 2004, while the number of BMW motorcycles sold doubled to 44 units. In November, BMW sold 136 units on the domestic market, 7 of which were Mini cars. Automobile Bavaria, which imports MG Rover vehicles on the domestic market, as well as MAN trucks and Neoplan buses, announced 100 million euro turnover for 2004. ZF

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