ZF English

Astra Asigurari wants to leave RASDAQ

30.06.2006, 21:21 6

Astra Asigurari (Astra Insurance), the third largest company on the market, could be de-listed from the RASDAQ market of the Bucharest Stock Exchange, as there are "strong arguments" to support this solution, says Dan Adamescu, chairman of the company. Astra is listed on the Base Category of the RASDAQ. At the latest trading price, 3.9 RON/share, its market capitalisation stands at over 64.2 million euros. The company's liquidity is low. "We are analysing the possibility to de-list Astra because the company is controlled by two shareholders. Our presence on the Stock Exchange makes no sense and would only be useful for image purposes; technically it is not worth anything," stated Adamescu. Astra's shareholders are Nova Trade, a company that is controlled by Dan Adamescu (73%) and the Austrian group Uniqa (27%). Other insurance companies listed on the Stock Exchange are Ardaf, Agras and Asirom.

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