ZF English

Banks witness biggest capital increases in February

12.04.2007, 20:50 6

Capital increases in the over 1 million-euro category increased by 30% in February against the same period last year reaching over 140 million euros. However, the figures recorded were considerably lower than those witnessed in January of this year, according to the National Trade Registry. The biggest capital increases in the February of this year were performed in the banking field, in the car industry and in insurance. In February, Millennium BCP saw the biggest capital increase, almost 40 million euros. Millennium Bank was also registered in the Trade Registry in February, and will begin operations in Romania in September of this year, according to statements made by bank officials. MKB, the new majority shareholder of Romexterra Bank operated a capital increase of almost 22 million euros. The car industry also saw significant investments including Daimler Chrysler and Trelleborg Automotive, who increased their capital by around 8 million euros and 6 million euros respectively.

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