ZF English

Contracts worth 23m euros for EFG Eurobank Leasing

16.06.2006, 00:00 25

EFG Eurobank Leasing, the leasing subsidiary of the Greek financial group Eurobank EFG, signed funding contracts worth 14.2 million euros in the first quarter of this year. Commercial vehicles accounted for 72% of the goods funded, while equipment to be used in the industrial sector accounted for 28%. The company was set up in May last year, but became operational in September, closing its first year in business with a portfolio of funded goods worth over 8.8 million euros. The EFG Eurobank group, which controls Bancpost, is registered in Switzerland and is listed on the Swiss Stock Exchange. The financial group EFG is present in Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Poland and Cyprus. ZF

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