ZF English

Electromontaj Carpati: 29% higher business in Q1

23.07.2007, 18:00 8

Sibiu-based Electromontaj Carpati, operating in the field of constructions for the energy industry, posted a 3.9 million-RON (1.2 million-euro) turnover in the first quarter of the year, almost 29% more than the same time last year. The company generated revenues worth 20.8 million RON (6.3 million euros) in 2006, up 28% against 2005, by increasing the volume of construction work. The main clients of the Sibiu-based company are Transelectrica, Electrica, Hidroelectrica and Termoelectrica, as well as domestic companies, which are large consumers of energy. The main shareholder of the Sibiu-based company is Bucharest-based Romelectro, which holds 69.53%. Romelectro holds 52.62% in ISPE. The company also has stakes in Electromontaj Carpati Sibiu, Celpi, Energproiect and Romelectro Construct.

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