ZF English

Elit's growth will be visible next year

17.10.2007, 20:44 10

Elit Cugir, the charcuterie producer with the highest profit on the Romanian market, saw an 11% turnover increase in the first eight months of this year against the same time last year. Its development was limited by the production capacity of its plant in Cugir, during the first part of this year. "We expect to witness an increase in the last three months of the year, after the new plant is completed, which will not be significant, if measured against the whole year. It will be most visible at the end of 2008," said Dorin Mateiu, the company' president and majority shareholder. The company completed its second charcuterie plant in Alba-Iulia this year, which covers 13,500 square metres, and has a production capacity of 100 tonnes a day, with investments over 15 million euros. The first Elit plant, located in the town of Cugir, Alba county, only had a 80-tonne capacity, which slowed down the company's development this year. An important factor that has helped Elit Cugir's rapid increase in business is the location of its companies, with Transylvania favoured by many investors.

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