ZF English

EU wants Romanian economists in Brussels

19.06.2006, 22:41 35

The recruitment will be done by the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO), and will target positions for various European institutions. The main requirements to apply are a college degree and command of a foreign language widely used in Europe.
The announcement is to be published some time this week; these jobs could pay at least 3,000 euros per month, European Integration Ministry representatives say. They could go to as much as 12 - 15,000 euros, depending on the position filled later.
Besides these positions, EPSO will also make secretarial positions available to Romanian citizens with secondary education. The European office last year recruited 100 Romanians as interpreters for conferences, with the salary for this job starting from 3,800 euros and put out an ad for 51 Romanian-speaking lawyer-linguists positions, whose minimum pay is 5,000 euros.
"Romania will benefit from several hundred specialist positions inside the European institutions, with the total number of staff to work for them set to exceed 500 people, including the positions that do not require higher education," stated Leonard Orban, state secretary within the European Integration Ministry.
He specified the process of recruiting and filling the vacancies is quite a lengthy one in general and entails selection from a very large applicant base, as there are about 100 people competing for each position.
He added that people are not assigned immediately, as there is also a period of time during which applicants that successfully passed various tests and were selected for a job are waiting to be appointed to one of the directorates of the institutions they are to work for. According to the state secretary, the main destinations fro the European personnel to be are the European Commission, Parliament and Council. Orban also explained that, in the case of the countries that joined the EU in 2004, only 50% of the positions available to the citizens of those countries have been filled until now at best.
Things might go faster in Romania's case, though, because the European Commission wants to speed up these processes.
"It will take a while to fill the positions available for Romanians, but we hope it won't be more than two years," Orban added.
Requirements for the positions include a degree in the specific field of the position advertised for economists and lawyers, a degree in a relevant area for auditors and a degree in any field for those to become part of the European public administration.
According to Orban, the fact that the EU does not require a specialised degree for the European public administration and audit positions can by explained by the lack of university departments to prepare graduates strictly for this field in Romania at the moment.

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