ZF English

Europolis: Proximity to underground stations is important

18.12.2008, 18:04 6

Austrian investment fund Europolis, controlled by the Volksbank group, will reach investments worth over 250 million euros in the next few years, which will go to acquisition and development of office buildings near underground stations. The Austrians have acquired two office buildings close to underground stations Piata Victoriei (Europe House) and Semanatoarea (Sema Parc) and will start construction of a third one, Ohideea Business Center, near Grozavesti station. "We were very keen on securing the plot where we will develop Orhideea Business Center - because of its very good location, right next to the underground station, like the other office buildings we have in our portfolio. Negotiations for the acquisition of the plot have extended over a year and a half precisely because we were very interested in the plot," said Marian Roman, general manager of Europolis Real Estate Asset Management, the Romanian subsidiary of Europolis.

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