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Foreign investments corporate share capital triple in Q1

Foreign investments corporate share capital triple in Q1
29.05.2008, 20:55 9

The value of foreign investments as contributions to corporate share capital amounted to 1.36 billion euros in the first quarter of the year, almost triple against last year, according to the National Trade Registry (ONRC). February was the best month of Q1, when foreign companies performed capital increases worth 686 million euros, whilst the weakest month was March, which saw just 124 million euros in contributions. In the first three months of the year, the largest capital increases were registered by local divisions that operate in energy, financial-banking and real estate. Overall, the ten biggest investors conducted capital increases worth 625 million euros, i.e. half the level of foreign investments recorded during this period. The undisputed leader in terms of capital increases was E.ON Gaz Romania. The company received an over 300 million-euro capital increase from its majority shareholder, German group E.ON. The second place went to investors in the financial-banking sector, after the four largest investors operated cumulated increases worth over 111 million euros. The largest amount, almost 42 million euros, went to ABN Amro Bank. The next places were filled by insurer BT Asigurari Transilvania and by Millenium Bank. French group Groupama, which recently took over the insurer, performed a 33.4 million-euro capital increase in February, while Portuguese-based Millenium contributed almost 24 million euros to their local division in the same month.

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