ZF English

Gedeon Richter considers building plant in Romania

29.09.2008, 21:07 15

Hungarian group Gedeon Richter, one of the leading drug producers in Central and Eastern Europe, with turnover worth over 1.2 billion dollars last year, is considering investing in a plant in the city of Targu-Mures on the local market, whilst competitors include cities in Hungary and Germany. "We have started research & development activities in Germany, we went on to produce the active ingredients in Hungary, but the investment in the production facility could target Romania. However, we are also examining locations in Germany and Hungary, and we are yet to make a decision," said Eric Bogsch, CEO of Gedeon Richter. Bogsch did not wish to specify what funds would be needed for such a project, but at industry level, investments in such a facility is in the range of tens of millions of euros.

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