ZF English

IT manager shortage to drive salaries up 50%

27.10.2006, 19:21 13

Human resources specialists say that the real estate, construction and industry sectors are being affected by a shortage of management competencies.
The fast-paced IT industry growth caused by the opening of call centres and outsourcing centres will make the human resources shortage even worse on this segment, especially when it comes to top management.
"The gap between supply and demand has led to spectacular rises in salaries, resulting in some cases to newly arrived IT companies offering as much as 30-50% above the existing salaries in order to attract staff and, even more significantly, experienced managers,"says Daniela Necefor, managing partner of Total Business Solutions, a company that provides consulting and recruitment services.
Madalina Motora, communication coordinator with Manpower says the shortage of skills in terms of experienced managers in the IT, telecom and other related industries is the outcome of the fact that such positions require a balance between technical and management skills, which is quite difficult to find on the market.
The PayWell 2006 survey by PricewaterhouseCoopers reveals that IT managers get the highest salaries in companies, with an average gross salary of 3,200 euros per month.
Several international outsourcing players have started operations in Romania lately. Genpact entered the market last year, and now has more than 400 employees, while Accenture announced in early July that it would hire 1,000 people
The shortage of experienced managers has also spread to the construction, real estate and industry sectors. The managers in highest demand are also the best-paid ones. Whereas the monthly salary of a project manager in the construction industry ranges from 1,500 to 2,000 euros (net figures), a manufacturing manager may make as much as 5,000 euros.
Necefor says the dwindling interest of the young people in technical universities has created a shortage of employees equipped with management skills in the industrial field. Employers are also having trouble finding people for middle management positions in the construction business.
"Although the idea of project management in the construction business is hardly new, it is still difficult to identify project managers that are capable of grasping the technical and economic aspects, as well as having experience in using project management specific software,"says Dan Badiu, senior consultant with Aims Romania.
Headhunter George Butunoiu feels banking institutions are the least affected by the lack of managers, because, as a rule, where the money is good, the management is better.
On the other hand, Butunoiu says that every field is suffering equally.
"There's a general shortage of managers in every field: from industry to public administration, from the education system to retail etc.,"says Butunoiu. He adds that some of the best indicators of the shortage on a market are the salaries employers have to pay to get a good manager, as the harder they are to find, the more expensive they will be.

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