ZF English

Job Market fails to stir demand

10.04.2001, 00:00 10

Although Bucharest has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country, namely less than 5%, a lot of people have been visiting the spring edition of the Job Market, held twice a year since 1994.

The job market had plenty of both supply and demand, but the point is they cannot seem to find their "fit," that is they do not meet, so that the placement rate, namely the ratio between those who have found a job and those looking for it might even fail to reach the 25% achieved last year. How can this be? For one, salaries are too low.

Nearly one third of the 2,475 jobs offered at the job market in Bucharest this year include clothing makers, followed by public guards (8%), commercial workers or shop attendants, positions for which the pay is not good.

After all, this is Romanian textile or clothing factories' big card up the sleeve: cheap work force. Neither the companies are satisfied: most of those seeking employment are too young, inexperienced or too old.

"I graduated from the Law School in 2000 and then I worked for a travel agency for two months, where I used to do the cleaning, too.

One morning they told me I didn't wash the carpet and two coffee cups and let me go. I've been to several interviews for salesperson, real estate broker, travel agent, but they turned me down because I didn't have enough experience or I wasn't happy with the pay," says Oana Popescu, 22.

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