ZF English

Julius Meinl cautious about Romania

09.01.2003, 00:00 11

The multinational company status, which entails product launches on several markets at one time, does not come with benefits only. The poor results that Julius Meinl coffee registered after its launch in Hungary last year made the representatives of the coffee maker cautious about the market in Romania, even though the results here were somewhat better, the general manager of Novo Ltd, dealer of the Julius Meinl and Dobri Tibor brands says. The cautiousness of the Austrian company started to show as early as the launch on the Romanian market last spring: besides the actual launch and advertising at the dealer's stand, the Julius Meinl coffee has not been promoted in any way ever since. Julius Meinl allocated approximately 400,000 euros in budget in Hungary, the Novo Trade representatives say. "We are expecting a decision about the marketing budget to come in from Vienna; it will probably not exceed 60,000 euros, though," Novo Ltd.'s Simon Attila said. ZF

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