ZF English

Lemet makes 3.8-m euro profit

11.04.2006, 00:00 9

The Campina-based furniture manufacturer Lemet is targeting a turnover worth 18.3 million euros for this year, an increase from the 11.8 million euros seen last year. "Growth will be generated both from us utilising our capacity intensively, as well as from the investments that will become operational this year," stated Alexandru Rizea, the company''s general manager. Net profit posted by the company in 2005 amounted to 3.8 million euros, whereas forecasts for this year are more optimistic, with the expected profit standing at 5.6 million euros. "In 2005 we conducted investments worth 2.2 million euros. For 2006, we have contracts running to acquire equipment and to build industrial facilities worth 4.5 million euros, which will be opened (some time) from June to October," added Rizea. The company currently exports 6-7% of its production, but intends to increase this percentage to 20% by the end of 2007. Lemet manufactures products aimed at the average income segment of the furniture market and has 240 employees. ZF

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