ZF English

Mobexpert to add another 19 hypermarkets in the next four years

06.02.2007, 19:19 7

The Mobexpert group, the leader of the furniture market in Romania, plans to be operating 24 hypermarkets in the region by 2011, four of which abroad and 20 in Romania. Currently, the Mobexpert group operates five hypermarkets, four in Bucharest and one in Brasov, as well as an additional 27 stores throughout the country. "2007 will see the opening of our store in Sofia, the first in a series of hypermarket projects in this region, where we are already present with Mobexpert Office stores in Sofia and Belgrade. Domestically, this year we will start the construction of four hypermarkets. By 2008, we intend to operate 9 such hypermarkets, and by 2011, their number will have reached 20," Dan Sucu, chairman of Mobexpert told ZF. By 2008, Mobexpert plans to target an expansion of its network from the 32 stores and hypermarkets, it currently owns, to almost 40 outlets at a regional level. The group is the first local player involved in furniture retail to open big stores abroad. Investment in the new locations could exceed 80 million euros by 2011.

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