ZF English

Montero is serious about real estate

21.12.2004, 00:00 5

The Montero Group, which is known for its drug distribution business, is investing more than 2.5 million euros in two residential projects through Evrika Haus and wants to finalise two more office developments in Bucharest. "We also want to participate in the development of a complex project, representative for Bucharest, given that we own half of Pumac's shares, a company that has 70,000 sqm of land in close proximity of the Cotroceni Palace (President's HQ) and the Polytechnic University Campus," stated Radu Tudorache, the founder and majority shareholder of the Montero group, which comprises the namesake drug distributor and the Metropola Intermediar company. He did not care to provide details about the two projects. Metropola Imobiliar last year completed the Dealu Spirii Business Center (central Bucharest), which comprises an about 1,450 sqm office building and a 688 sqm warehouse. ZF


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