ZF English

Murfatlar bets on wine shops for growth

Autor: Ioana David

22.12.2010, 23:10 21

Winemaker Murfatlar owned by Dobronăuţeanu brothers is betting alot on its own retail chain, which has now reached 25 CramaMurfatlar wine shops, three months and a half from launch, whichgenerated sales of 1.3 million euros.
"We set out to grow by expanding the Crama Murfatlar network to 150stores by the end of 2011," said Daniel Negrescu, brand manager ofMurfatlar.
Sales through these wine shops account for 4% of Murfatlar's totalbusiness this year, which stood at 33.3 million euros, and areimportant to the company, because of the wine consumption declinefor the second year in a row.
Murfatlar has opened shops in such cities as Bucharest, Constanţa,Galaţi, Brăila, Cluj, Timişoara and Braşov. Sales through its CramaMurfatlar wine shops could reach 10.7 million euros in 2011, thatis a quarter of the business. Crama Murfatlar shops are franchisesdeveloped in partnership with local entrepreneurs.

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