ZF English

New online store concept: selling 1 type of product a day

13.12.2007, 20:05 12

A new, unique marketing idea has arrived for Romanian online stores: the concept of selling one type of product within a 24-hour timeframe, at an affordable price, with a limited stock. Dragos Manac, who heads operations at System & Network Solutions, a company set up in 2002, which manages Linux / Unix systems and deals in programming on Open Source platforms, has launched the online store Ghelir, as an experiment, with a view to showing the way e-commerce could change. Ghelir.ro is an online store based on the concept of selling one type of product each day, so the number of products available is limited, and is not displayed on the site. If the stock runs out, the sale process ends, and purchases can resume the next day, when another product is up for sale. The majority of products sold are IT equipment, and electronic gadgets. "Sometimes we sell services, trips, accessories, books and other items, as well as products from our partners," said Dragos Manac. He also specified the products sold by the company have a well-established online market, and a well-perceived value. "We started out from our classic suppliers and in time several companies have offered their products at discount prices, through Ghelir," he added.

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