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Office equipment business to reach 400m euros in 5 years

17.07.2006, 19:01 7

The market of stationery products, office supplies and office furniture might double by 2010, amid the large number of companies entering Romania and the rising number of "office" employees.
Stationery products and office supplies now account for about three quarters of the business "outfitting" Romanians' offices. The market is largely made up of consumers who are primarily looking at prices, putting quality second.
Consumption of office supplies/stationery products per "white collar" in the financial-banking sector revolves around 23.5 euros, while in the case of production personnel it stands at approximately 15 euros, reveals a survey conducted by Office Express, a member of the RTC group.
We are likely to reach the average monthly consumption rate now registered in Europe, of 20-25 euros per "white collar", in 2010.
At present, there are no statistical data related to the value of the market of office supplies and stationery products in Romania, but the main players put sales of such products at approximately 150 million euros, office furniture not included.
Sales of office furniture now stand at approximately 50 million euros, according to the estimates by market players, who add these may get to 100 million euros in five years.
As companies are constantly announcing expansion plans, the market of stationery products and office supplies can only go up.
Nevertheless, the market will not be considerably influenced by the rising number of office buildings. "The development of office buildings will bring only moderate growth for the moment in terms of our sales. The IT and furniture segment will grow in parallel with the need to equip the new spaces in line with the latest tendencies. The market of stationery products/ office supplies will witness significant growth at the moment major international players enter the Romanian market," believes Sorin Stancu, chairman of the Office Express arm of RTC group.
The market will expand by more than 10% annually, according to the main players.
The distribution of stationery products/office supplies is a fragmented market, with a large number of active companies, while retail is represented by the few specialised stores, by the bookstore and hypermarket networks and by the cash-and-carry networks.
On the other hand, office furniture retail, which started developing particularly after 1990, has witnessed faster growth lately, bolstered by the high number of office buildings delivered onto the market.
At present, the Romanian office furniture market is estimated at approximately 50 million euros. The annual growth pace ranges between 10 and 20%.
The first companies operating on this market were Neoset, Mobexpert and GreenForest.

Office furniture market

Is currently put at approximately 50m euros
The annual growth pace is estimated at over 10%
The most important producers are now Mobexpert Office, Silvarom, GreenForest, Aici Mobilier, The Price International, Neoset Prod Bucharest, ICCO Mobilier together with Norvinia and Eurostar
Office furniture retail started developing after 1990
Is driven forward by the development of A-class office space.

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