ZF English

Patriciu brings former head of Tariceanu's chancellery at Marexin

30.06.2009, 18:30 21

Dorin Marian, head of the chancellery of former premier Calin Popescu Tariceanu, and also former business development adviser with Rompetrol group, was recruited by Dinu Patriciu for the team that is set to develop Marine Resources Exploration International (Marexin) company owned by Rompetrol Holding 100% controlled by Patriciu. Marexin has had an exploration licence for a perimeter of around 9,000 square kilometres in the Black Sea since July 2008, for sapropel muds, a resource likely to be used in the future for energy generation. "Dorin Marian does not hold a definite position, but his responsibilities are similar with those of a chief operating officer," stated Peter Hamilton, CEO of Marexin. He also specified Dorin Marian was hired by Marexin at the beginning of this year, after having left the government in December 2008. Marian was, as the head of the premier's chancellery, one of those who signed the government decision approving the additional document between Sterling Resources and the National Agency for Mineral Resources for a contract signed in 1992, allowing the company to exploit the oil and gas reserves of two Black Sea blocks. In his turn, Peter Hamilton was exploration and production vice-president of Rompetrol group, being brought to Marexin team after it got its exploration licence in July, 2008. "Patriciu knew me so he chose me and I say he made a good choice," Hamilton specified.

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