ZF English

Petrolexportimport endorses 2003 dividends

08.07.2004, 00:00 11

Oil products trader Petrolexportimport Bucharest decided during its General Meeting of Shareholders on the dividends it will distribute from last year's profit. The shareholders also endorsed last year's financials, along with the spending and revenue budget for 2004. sleadenedtOut of the 2003 profit, the company will pay its individual shareholders a net dividend of 139,958 ROL/share, while its corporate shareholders will get 132,589 ROL/share. Petrolexportimport is an entirely private company, controlled by Laird Resources Ltd., which owns 71.5% of the total shares, with the rest having been distributed to individuals during the Mass Privatisation Programme. Petrolexportimport is known as being one of the companies that regularly provides dividends. It has paid as much as 500,000 ROL/share in the last few years. The company logged 60.2bn ROL (1.6 million euros) net profit in 2003, more than double that of 2002. ZF


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