ZF English

Proxim to duplicate Orhideea project

21.02.2005, 00:00 4

Proxim Construct, the company in charge, along with French constructions group Vinci, of the development and then sale of the Orhideea commercial project that includes a Carrefour hypermarket has a number of neighbourhood commercial centre projects for cities of less than 300,000 people over the next few years.

"We want to do in the smaller cities what we did with the Orhideea project.

"The cities of more than 100,000 people have a significant commercial potential, as well. Surely the size will be smaller, and the investment will not stand at 25-30 million euros as in the case of Orhideea but rather at 5 to 10 million euros," Christian Hiver, general manager of the company told Ziarul Financiar.

Unlike the Orhideea development, the investment in the neighbourhood commercial centres will be made by Proxim itself.

"We're keeping our eyes on five lots, with the first of them almost acquired and I believe we could begin works on the first store this year at the earliest.

"We will not overlook the large cities, as we are close to buying some land in Timisoara, where we will develop a project similar to Orhideea.

"Moreover, we acted as consultants for a group of Romanian investors who bought a lot in Constanta, where we could commence development of a commercial centre this year, in case investors decide to," Hiver added.

The plans of the commercial property developer also consider the opening of the first shopping gallery dedicated to luxury brands exclusively in two or three years, according to Hiver.


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