ZF English

Real estate deals plummet in third quarter

26.10.2008, 17:27 7

Sizeable real estate transactions amounted to around 140 million euros in the third quarter of this year, less than a quarter of the value recorded the same time last year, a period that saw transactions worth over 620 million euros, reveals a ZF survey based on information published on the market. July, August and September of this year saw only two sizeable deals concluded, the acquisition by Greek firm Raptis Kavouras of a 1.6-hectare plot in the French Village in Bucharest, in a 68 million-euro deal, and the sale by Gheorghe Iaciu of storage centre Expo Market Doraly in Bucharest, in a deal worth around 70 million euros. In comparison, the same period of last year saw record deals on the Bucharest office and land market. More specifically, the office market saw no less than three deals worth over 100 million euros in the third quarter of 2007: GTC announced the sale of America House for 120 million euros, DEGI took over three office buildings from Charlemagne for 110 million euros and Immoeast announced it had taken over business park S-Park for almost 105 million euros. 


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