ZF English

Romanian-made gear for Amsterdam Stock Exchange

04.04.2001, 00:00 6

Did you know that some of the transactions concluded on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange are developed through Romanian software? Or that one of the most efficient programmes for secure Internet access was designed by a Targu-Mures-based company?

Infopulse Romania Group geared the American and Dutch capital markets with software and protection equipment.

The company, which is affiliated with an international group of independent software companies, reunited on www.infopulse.net, designed an electronic solution to centralise a drug company's production, distribution and activity monitoring.

The company's executive director Dumitru Radoiu told Ziarul Financiar how Infopulse Romania Group managed to create such various IT solutions, from those aimed at the capital market to e-management.

"The company was established in 1998 as the third member of Infopulse, following the companies in Netherlands and Portugal," Radoiu said. Infopulse Romania had 10 employees at that time, but now it employs more than 50 specialists, while this year's turnover is expected to reach 1 million dollars.

One of the first international projects was drawn together with Recognos Inc., for a product aimed at a San Francisco private investment company. The application consisted in automatically generating the financial transactions, in accordance with the company's own investment policy.

The application is different through its large number of rules regarding the way the transactions are generated, which provides for extreme flexibility.

The talent and skills of the Romanian software specialists translated into the launch of GateKeeper, an application that secures and manages Internet access. The software has been booming since April 2000.

Sales tripled and the bulk of the clients (40%) having purchased a GateKeeper licence came from the US. "Very few licences sold in Romania, there were only five. The explanation might be the high piracy rate.

On the other hand, the domestic ISPs also provide some hybrid solutions that more or less protect the client's IT systems. Unfortunately, this situation is likely to maintain over the next years," Dumitru Radoiu states.

GateKeeper licences may also be purchased on the Internet, at www.proxy-pro.com and the price depends on the number of users in the local network that share the same web connection.

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