ZF English

Romsys infrastructure for 56 universities

30.05.2001, 00:00 10

Romsys, one of the largest system integrators in Romania, at the beginning of this week announced the implementation of the integrated computerised System for university financial management in Romania (SIIMFIS).

The project benefits from financing granted by the EU through Phare, under a memorandum concluded in 1996.

According to Romsys, a software application for financial management had to be developed in less than a year and the company also supplied the hardware, communication equipment and related services needed by this implementation.

Romsys officials consider that the implementation of this system prompted special efforts from the company, as the project was very difficult. SIIMFIS is one of the most complex computerised systems ever designed in Romania.

Romsys provided the technical infrastructure (PCs, basic software, and network equipment) and the software for 56 universities, 4 central university libraries, the Education and Research Ministry, the National Council for University Scientific Research (CNCSIS) and for the National Council for University Financing (CNFIS).

The company delivered 73 application servers (Sun Ultra 450), 73 servers for Firewall (Sun Ultra 5), 146 continuous power supply sources, 135 printers, more than 180 modems, hubs, switches, routers, cables and other network components.

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