ZF English

SNR and RCS & RDS join forces

09.12.2002, 00:00 15

Societatea Nationala de Radiocomunicatii (National Radiocommunications Company - SNR) will use the fibre optics network of the Romania Cable Systems & Romania Data Systems (RCS & RDS) group following a partnership concluded at the end of last week.
"This partnership, which is a first on the Romanian telecommunications market will allow the companies to decide together on the policies and strategies for the targeted market segment, the manner of providing the broadband services and the inter-county and international call segment traffic," Gabriel Grecu, SNR chairman told a news conference.
The RDS & RCS group holds an over 2,000 km fibre optics network, set to reach 4,300 km some day. Completion of the infrastructure requires $100 million in investments.
The SNR representative, who said the interconnection tariffs proposed by the National Communications Regulating Authority (ANRC) were affordable, added that the company would mainly target the business clients after the liberalisation of the telecommunications market as of January 1, 2003.
"The interconnection tariffs proposed by ANRC will allow SNR to provide voice services for the inter-county and international segment at 20% lower tariffs than the current ones. An approach of the resident natural person clients will be possible by prepaid cards," Grecu specified.
SNR will be able to provide fixed telephony services only after concluding commercial interconnection agreements with the operators on the telecommunications market.
"It is vital for SNR to conclude interconnection agreements with RomTelecom and with the four mobile telephony operators. If RomTelecom does not agree with the interconnection tariffs proposed by ANRC, this might result in an at least six months delay (worst case scenario) of the telecommunications market deregulation," Grecu said.
According to Government Ordinance 32/2002, the telecom operators or providers with more than 25bn ROL in turnover not complying with the interconnection conditions proposed by ANRC may be fined with up to 5% of their turnover.
The SNR representative added interconnection tests with RomTelecom's infrastructure were scheduled to take place in Bucharest and Cluj-Napoca this week.


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