ZF English

Stanton Chase repatriates 8 Romanians as general managers

12.12.2007, 20:12 8

Stanton Chase Romania, one of the largest executive search companies on the Romanian market, has this year recruited 8 Romanians working abroad for general manager (GM) positions in Romania. "The number of managers who choose to come back to Romania is on the up. In all, we have recruited 15 Romanian managers from abroad. Whereas in 2006, we 'repatriated' three Romanian managers from abroad, this year, their number reached 8," says Panos Manopoulos, managing partner of Stanton Chase Romania. The candidates had previously worked in management positions in the US, Canada, the UK and Germany, in sectors such as real estate and financial services. "Romanians working abroad are choosing to return home because of better salaries and economic growth," says Manolopoulos. On average, the GM of a multinational earns over 10,000 euros a month. In addition, as more companies turn to local managers, international business experience is becoming an important advantage for Romanians. Stanton Chase's managing partner estimates the number of expats will go down over the next few years, until the only ones left in Romania will be foreign entrepreneurs and managers involved in significant expat missions. Out of the 90 recruitment projects conducted by the company this year, around 20% were missions abroad, which resulted in managers being brought onto the local market.

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