ZF English

Tchibo Romania eyes 10m euros

16.01.2004, 00:00 10

Tchibo Romania SRL, the local branch of the German group Tchibo, estimates to post at least 10m euros in turnover this year, 13% up from 2003, according to the company officials. Their optimism is grounded on the increasing packaged coffee consumption, and on the fact that Tchibo will be imported straight through the German group's Romanian-based branch as of this year. Tchibo sales in Romania amounted to 7.5m euros in 2003. "We went up about 50% in volume in 2003. Moreover, according to AC Nielsen, our market share now exceeds 8%, up from 7% in 2002," said Torsten Kaack, general manager for SE Europe of the Tchibo group. ZF


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