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Tnuva: We will double our product portfolio by yearend

Tnuva: We will double our product portfolio by yearend

The Israeli group has invested over 55 million euros in building a dairy plant and a farm in Popesti-Leordeni, outside Bucharest

03.04.2008, 19:47 13

Sagit Tzur Lahav, Vice-President Marketing of Tnuva Romania, said that, after the Israeli group achieved its target of becoming a known brand locally, this year it would focus its strategy on launching products, some of which would be positioned on niche segments.
"We want to enter new market segments, or yet untapped market segments," said Lahav.
Tnuva also entered the dairy dessert segment at the beginning of this year, through a range of puddings and milk chocolate products.
"At the end of last year, we had 16 SKUs (Stock-Keeping Units - the number of products held by the company) on the local market. After the new products have been launched, we will reach 25 SKUs. We are focusing extensively on increasing our portfolio, our intention being to at least double the product portfolio by the end of this year, compared with last year," said Tnuva's Marketing VP.
According to estimates made by company representatives, Tnuva could be present in the local stores with at least 32 Tnuva and Yoplait-branded products the end of this year. "Currently, over 60% of Romanians recognise the Tnuva and Yoplait brands, all three distribution centres have achieved their targets, the plant is working at full capacity, sales are on the rise, we have enough stock to cover demand, and we are constantly launching new products," Sagit Tzur Lahav explains, summarising Tnuva's evolution.
Tnuva does not intend to invest in building a new farm or in expanding production facilities. The company will, however, diversify its promotional methods, to include online advertising.
"It is all happening fairly quickly. In five years' time, the market will not experience the same growth rates, so we are taking advantage of the current situation," says the company's Marketing VP.
Tnuva invested around 14.3 million euros (rate card sum) in its promotional campaigns last year, according to Alfa Cont data, being the third largest investor in the dairy industry.
The Israeli group has invested over 55 million euros in building a dairy plant and a farm in Popesti-Leordeni, outside Bucharest. Tnuva owns two divisions in Romania, TRD-Tnuva Romanian Dairies, which operates in production and retail, and TRM-Tnuva Romanian Milk, which includes a cow farm.
The domestic dairy market exceeded the 1 billion-euro mark at the end of last year, with the leading producers on this segment (Friesland, Danone, LaDorna, Hochland, Albalact and Covalact) forecasting an approximately 25% growth rate for this year.

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