ZF English

Top taxman opposes return to rescheduling system

08.03.2009, 16:58 13

Offering incentives for payment of overdue tax obligations for all types of taxpayers would reduce the volume and affect the pace of the collection of budget revenues, Sorin Blejnar, chairman of the National Fiscal Administration Agency (ANAF) told ZF in an interview.
Companies have been using tax credits increasingly more often since the last quarter of 2008, and have not paid their taxes and duties, because they no longer had access to financing, given that banks reduced their lines of credit.
As a result of the liquidity problems of companies caused by the financial crisis, the budgetary revenues have gone down.
The authorities stopped using the rescheduling system in 2005, when the Government passed an ordinance abrogating a series of normative acts that allowed fiscal incentives for payment of debts to the budget or rescheduling of those obligations not yet paid. There have been numerous disputes over the debt rescheduling in the course of time, that is whether it is an effective mechanism for debt collection or whether if affects competition and hurts the state budget. State-run companies used to be the main beneficiaries of the rescheduling of debts to the budget in the past.
What are the priorities of the new top taxman? "First of all, making sure collection of budgetary revenues is effective, and, on the other hand, providing a stimulating business environment by significantly suppressing tax evasion and applying the 'all taxpayers are equal when it comes to taxes' principle."

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