ZF English

Transavia approaches 100m-euro mark

20.05.2008, 21:31 11

Transavia, one of the main poultry producers in Romania, estimates to double its sales this year to 100 million euros, as a result of the launch of a new production facility in Alba county and the integration of Avicola Brasov, which it took over in 2007. "This year, our production volume will double. Whereas in 2007, we produced around 23,000 tonnes of poultry, I estimate we will produce around 46,000 tonnes this year," said Ioan Popa, general manager and majority shareholder of the company. Transavia has recently completed a 17 million-euro investment to build a new plant for the production of semi-processed poultry and poultry sausages in Oiejdea, Alba county.

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