ZF English

Why stores never have enough change to give customers

Autor: Ciprian Botea

15.09.2010, 23:54 6

How many times have you left the cash register with a boiledsweet in place of the small change you were owed for yourshopping?

Shop assistants often lack enough "change" in cash registers topay change on small-value purchases, despite the fact that officialdata provide for two-digit annual rises in the number of coins incirculation.

Coins reported by the NBR (National Bank of Romania) as being incirculation are, however, often blocked by consumers themselves,either because they do not feel like carrying them around, or inorder to avoid a negative reaction from merchants when paying withcoins.

"I think I've got at least half a kilo of coins at home,sometimes I carry some around to buy a bus ticket or a coffee atthe metro, but most of the times I have a maximum of ten coins onme because I cannot carry around "kilos" of coins. In addition, ifyou pay the cashier at the metro counter with 10-ban coins (1 RONequals 100 bani), they may not give you a very friendly look," saysDana C. On the other hand, companies do not ask banks forsmall-denomination coins, either, although the NBR last yearreleased 320 million coins at the request of creditinstitutions.

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