ZF English

Adobe considers Bucharest office

27.02.2006, 20:48 6

Inspired by the success of the R&D centres opened by several IT&C corporations from the US and Europe in Romania, the Americans at software developer Adobe are considering the possibility to open an office in Bucharest. In case it chooses Romania, Adobe will not be starting from scratch, though. The Americans are supposed to buy domestic software company Interakt, whose chairman is George Haber, an American entrepreneur born in Romania, whose fortune is estimated at some 100 million dollars. Haber says that the acquisition of the Romanian company could compare to the Microsoft - GeCAD deal in terms of value, which market sources put at 19 million dollars. "If the transaction comes through - and chances are high it will happen, the value of the deal will be in the range of tens of millions of dollars," stated Haber, who is also a minority shareholder of Interakt. Adobe officials came in Romania for talks with the authorities and with the main shareholders of Interakt last week. Adobe is also looking into other markets in the region. The centre the company wants to open in Eastern Europe will engage in distribution, as well as in research and development (such as adapting some of its software applications for mobile phones or development of Internet sites using the Web 2.0 technology). In time, the company could hire hundreds of programmers. Adobe is known to PC users for its PDF document format and its photo editing software Photoshop. Adobe posted nearly 2.5 billion-dollar revenues in 2005. More on this story in this week''s issue of BUSINESS MAGAZIN, on Wednesday. ZF

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