ZF English

AJOFM organises job fair for Nokia

16.05.2007, 19:06 16

The County Employment Agency (AJOFM) in Cluj will organise the biggest national job fair next week, in order to hire around 1,300 people for the Finnish phone company Nokia and other related companies. The manager of Cluj-based AJOFM, Daniel Don, told a press conference that there would be a meeting with the company's officials on Friday, to discuss the details of the fair. "The fair will cover a significantly longer period than usual, as there will be a lot of people attending from outside Cluj, from all over the country, and we need to offer them a much bigger time frame every day. I will discuss our strategy with the chairman of the ANOFM, regarding all county agencies in the country becoming involved with the fair," Daniel Don stated on Tuesday. According to Don, the job recruitment market is very important, as Nokia is among the top 20 biggest companies in Europe and also around the world. On the Cluj market "it would be a human resources management model".

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