ZF English

Ambro Suceava makes first profits

23.02.2005, 00:00 8

Cellulose and paper manufacturer Ambro Suceava concluded last year with preliminary net profits of around 0.7 million euros (29bn ROL). In 2003 the company posted losses of 8.3 million euros (312bn ROL). This is the first time Ambro has made a profit since being taken over by France's Rossman Group. Its turnover remained relatively stabile at 54.3 million euros, calculated at the average ROL/EUR exchange published by the NBR for 2003 and 2004. Ambro officials were unavailable to comment on the results. Ambro is Romania's leading manufacturer of paper for use in corrugated cardboard with a capacity of over 1,400 tonnes/year. This market is estimated at 90 million euros a year, and market players expect this to grow by around 10% a year thanks to the growth in the food, furniture and automotive parts industries, which are the main users of corrugated cardboard packaging. Ambro's main competitors are Vrancart Adjud, Rondocarton Cluj-Napoca and Dunapack Sfantu Gheorghe. ZF


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