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BCR Leasing: 7-fold higher turnover from real estate

BCR Leasing: 7-fold higher turnover from real estate

Claudiu Stanescu, general manager of BCR Leasing

19.06.2007, 18:51 13

BCR Leasing in the first four months of this year signed contracts worth 140m euros, up around 47% against the same period of last year. The company is thus vying for the market leader position with UniCredit Leasing, the company that resulted from the merger of UniCredit and HVB groups and that reported a similar turnover for the January-April period.
The value of goods financed by BCR Leasing reached 110m euros, compared with 78m euros in the first four months of 2006. In terms of turnover, the company relies on car leasing, but the segment's share in the total shrank from around 67% in the first four months of last year to 43% this year. The value of goods financed on this segment hit 47m euros, down around 11% against the corresponding period of 2006.
"(...) The decrease is part of our strategy, in order to balance our portfolio in line with the model of companies in other EU states, where equipment and real estate leasing have a significant weight," stated Claudiu Stanescu, general manager of BCR Leasing.
On the segment of commercial vehicle leasing, BCR granted financing worth 29m euros in the first four months of this year, around 142% higher than in the same period of last year. According to BCR Leasing's manager, the development was triggered by the unblocking of a significant number of infrastructure projects.
Equipment leasing accounts for 21% in the company's turnover, with a value of contracts of 23m euros. Against last year, financing contracts on this segment almost doubled.
In the first four months of this year, real estate leasing boasted the fastest growth. Financing contracts sealed on this segment reached a value of 11m euros, more than 7 times higher than in the same period of last year, when these contracts hit 1.5m euros. Real estate leasing weighed 9% in the overall value of financing contracts, but the company expects this segment to expand.
BCR Leasing signed 2,894 contracts in the first four months of this year, 1,133 fewer than in the similar period of last year, considering the company focuses on corporate clients that sign higher value contracts.
Like most banks, BCR Leasing will soon send its own lending norms to the NBR for approval.

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