ZF English

BMW sales up 60%

09.05.2008, 20:32 7

BMW Group Romania, the local importer of the German automotive brand, sold 855 vehicles in the first four months of the year, an around 60% sales increase compared with the same time last year, when 500 units were sold. According to company data, 235 vehicles were sold in April, the bulk of which, 207, were BMW models, while the rest were MINI models. The best-selling BMW continued to be the X5 SUV, with 82 units, which preserved the trend seen in the first quarter of the year, when 240 units were sold. The price of a BMW X5 starts, according to the importer's price list, at around 54,000 euros, (VAT included) and can reach over 57,000 euros, depending on the type of engine and the preferred version.

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