ZF English

Boc Government hired 26,000 in administration in 2009

22.04.2010, 20:30 11

The Statistics Institute reveals that the statements of BocGovernment officials are just an act: although the governmentclaims to be taking restructuring steps, the number of employees inpublic administration rose by 26,000. The number of employees inthe industry went down by 230,000 and by 70,000 in the constructionsector.

The number of employees in public administration is almost 8%higher exactly one year after the start of the crisis, a yearduring which Boc Government had announced layoffs, hiring freezeand unpaid leave among public sector employees.

More than 360,000 Romanian salaried employees disappeared fromstatistics from October 2008 though October 2009, while the numberof employees in public administration rose by more than 26,000,data from the National Statistics Institute reveal. Therefore, thenumber of employees in public administration stood at 360,000 inOctober 2009, compared with 334,000 in October 2008. This survey ofthe number of employees published in April every year is moredetailed than monthly reports, but the Statistics Institute needsseveral months after the collection of data (October) to processit.

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