ZF English

Bogdan Carcu at Curiero enters press distribution

02.02.2007, 17:58 16

Bogdan Carcu, founder and president of Curiero, will, together with other partners, invest 1.5 million euros in two new businesses, where Carcu will be a majority shareholder. "We will invest in refrigerating transport, as well as in press distribution. In both businesses, I will use the infrastructure already in place at Curiero, this is why the initial sum to be invested is not that large," said Carcu. The refrigerating transport business will be launched in March this year, while the press distribution one will most likely be launched in the summer. The refrigerating transport business will compete with other companies, such as Macromex or Frigoexpress, while the press distribution business will have companies like RODIPET or MT Press as its main competitors. "We will first concentrate on contracting and distributing subscriptions, and then we'll also become involved in local distribution through newspaper stands," added Carcu.

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