ZF English

Chat over international trade issues

23.07.2001, 00:00 8

Public institutions and private companies in Romania will have the possibility to find and exchange information about the international trade within the "World Tr@de Net" launched by the International Trade Centre in Geneva and by the Romanian Foreign Trade Centre co-ordinated by the Foreign Ministry on Thursday.

"The network is very important because it will link the public institutions and private companies and allow them to exchange information on international trade," Anca Simion department head with the Romanian Foreign Trade Centre told Ziarul Financiar. The launch was attended by representatives of public institutions, associations, banks, chambers of commerce and consulting companies.

In spite of the international trade agreements, Peter Naray, main consultant with the International Trade Centre in Geneva says there are still boundaries imposed by the legislation in each country, as well as informational and circumstantial boundaries.

"The boundaries most difficult to overcome are those imposed by the legislation, although they are the most predictable ones, while the informational boundaries are confusing for small and medium enterprises mainly," Naray specified. He admits that most of these boundaries develop directly or indirectly under the "umbrella" of the World Trade Organisation."

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