ZF English

CMB Travel business up 26%

08.10.2004, 00:00 14

Bucharest travel agency CMB Travel sold travel packages to approx. 3,400 customers in the first half of this year, 26% more than for the same period last year, chairman Cristian Mihai Balcescu said. "Around 1,700 tourists chose Romania as their travel destination, while the foreign destinations in highest demand this year were Italy with 800 tourists, followed by Spain with 600 tourists, and Greece with nearly 400," added Balcescu. First-half turnover amounted to 152bn ROL (3.8 million euros). The company generated 4.4 million euros in turnover in 2003. The agency is now concentrating on Internet sales, following the launch of an online reservation system and advisory service this year. ZF


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