ZF English

Copos wants 3 times more confectioneries

09.01.2006, 19:10 7

Ana Pan, the confectionery network that is part of the group of companies held by vice-premier George Copos, intends to attain 30 shops by 2010, almost three times as many as at the moment. "Our future plans include expansion to the rest of the country, through a franchised network," stated Carmen Friptu, Ana Pan''s commercial and marketing manager. The investment in a single confectionery amounts to some 100,000 euros, Friptu added. The company estimates turnover in 2005 to be of 6.45 million euros, up 43% on 2004. Ana Pan expects about 10 million-euro sales for this year. Ana Pan began an investment of 6 million euros in a foodstuffs factory last year, which is to be opened this month. The factory will make 4,800 kilos of bread, 1,700 kilos of pastry products and 2,000 kilos of confectioneries, with organic products to account for 2% of the total. The idea of making organic products is not new, as the company first considered it a few years ago. ZF

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