ZF English

Daewoo Bank offers new consumer loans

26.10.2005, 18:49 7

Daewoo Bank has expanded its portfolio of funding products by launching a number of consumer loans in RON, for which it is charging less than 15% a year. The bank has thus introduced a loan for unspecified personal needs whereby it grants funding of up to 20,000 RON (almost 5,600 euros) for no more than 5 years. Interest rates stand at 13.5% or 14% a year on RON, depending on the risk profile of the applicant. The bank does not require a down payment or guarantor for loans of less than 5,000 euros (in RON equivalent), settling for only a certificate that verifies the income of the applicant and a copy of their employment record. Daewoo has also introduced a loan aimed at the employees of companies with which the bank has agreements in place, whereby it grants funding based on a certificate that verifies the income of the client. Such loans can be worth up to 10,000 RON (some 2,800 euros) for no more than three years. ZF

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