ZF English

Dedeman's 30m euro bricolage

01.08.2003, 00:00 10

Dedeman, the company holding a store chain and a series of construction and home improvement supplies warehouses estimates 1,100bn ROL (about 30 million euro) turnover in 2003, compared with 800bn ROL in 2002. The Bacau-based company holds 20 stores and warehouses in six cities in Moldova and dedicated another such facility in Suceava on Wednesday following a three million-euro investment. The new warehouse takes up 4,000 sqm and is the largest of its kind in Moldova, the company representatives say. Dedeman also holds a furniture factory and stores and at the same time is a Dacia dealer in Bacau. Dedeman's total investments amount to about 10 million euros, according to general manager and majority shareholder Dragos Paval. "Our stores are based on the same concept as the bricolage stores, but do not offer as wide a range of products, because they are smaller," Paval said. "We have competitors on various segments, i.e. construction supplies or installations, but there are no other companies selling all the home improvement products in one store," Paval explained. ZF


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