ZF English

Electrolux sales down 7%

26.03.2007, 18:43 6

Electrolux Romania, one of the largest home appliances producers on the local market, posted a 498-million RON (141 million-euro) turnover last year, down 7% in euros against the 549 million RON (151.6 million euros) reported last year. "The decrease in turnover can mainly be explained by the decline of the market. As a result, this year we will also concentrate on niche segments which did see growth," stated Carmen Georgescu, Electrolux's marketing manager. She added that products on the built-in appliances segment, the dishwashers segment and the drier segment saw the highest increases last year. Based on these results, Electrolux is considering developing a special range specifically for these products. "It is only natural that these segments should increase, as other product categories have reached saturation point, witnessing increases depending on how often these products need to be replaced. On the niche product segment we experienced an increase, as many of these products were purchased by first-time buyers, whose households still lack such niche products," said Georgescu.

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