ZF English

Electrolux weighs new cooker factory

26.11.2004, 00:00 8

The domestic branch of the Swedish Electrolux group, the world's largest producer of home appliances, is considering opening a factory in Romania for the production of cookers, following the closure of its plant in France. "The new plant is likely to be opened in Romania, but other countries where Electrolux has branches are being considered too," said Carmen Georgescu, a marketing manager with Electrolux Romania. The company recently decided to raise the capacity of its washing machine production lines in Poland at a cost of 50-60 million euros, but could also invest in Romania, and a decision will be made by the end of the year. In the first nine months of this year, the group generated turnover in Romania of almost 80 million euros, 4% higher in euros than in the same period last year. ZF


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