ZF English

Enel spends 24m euros to tap into wind power

Enel spends 24m euros to tap into wind power

Brunello Botte, chairman of Enel Electrica Dobrogea and Banat

28.09.2006, 19:11 15

Enel, the Italian utilities giant with the biggest portfolio in the domain of electrical power distribution and supplying on the domestic market, is starting its first renewable energy generation project, aiming to produce wind energy.
"Over the next 3 years, the company will invest 24 million euros in a greenfield wind energy project in Tulcea," stated Brunello Botte, chairman of Enel Electrica Dobrogea and Banat.
"The company that is going to handle this project is called Enel Wind and will manage all wind energy generation projects Enel is going to develop on the domestic market," Enel representative also stated.
According to him, the company is currently measuring out wind intensity in several regions of the country, but he did not specify where exactly these operations were carried out.
"In several years, we want to become the biggest producer of renewable energy in Romania. This is our goal," stated Botte.
With regard to the amount of energy to be produced, Enel representative could not offer any additional details, specifying the project was in the phase where the necessary papers were being put together.
Enel has repeatedly voiced its intention of becoming an integrated player on the supply-distribution-production chain. To that end, Enel has already announced its participation to the project related to Reactors 3 and 4 of Cernavoda station, as well as for Electrocentrale Braila.
With regard to investments in network upgrading and retooling, Enel earmarked 75 million euros in 2006 for both subsidiaries, Enel Electrica Dobrogea and Banat.
Thus, in Dobrogea area, in 2006 Enel will invest 12.7 million RON (3.56 million euros) in Calarasi, 14.3 million RON (4 million euros) in Constanta, 16.7 million RON (4.7 million euros) in Slobozia, and 23.2 million RON (6.5 million euros) in Tulcea. In high voltage networks, the Italians will invest 31.9 million RON (8.9 million euros) by yearend. By 2010, total investments will come to 380 million euros, of which 150 million euros will go to the Dobrogea branch.
Referring to the domestic supply of energy equipment, the Italians stated they had trouble finding domestic companies with a supply of products to match their investment power.
Enel is now the biggest investor in Europe, with an acquisition portfolio of approximately one billion euros.

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