ZF English

Energobit builds new factory

20.12.2004, 00:00 22

Cluj-based Energobit Group, which makes electrical equipment, on Thursday announced it was planning to invest more than 3 million euros for building an industrial automation equipment plant. The new facility will operate in the Tetarom industrial park, with which the Energobit officials have already signed a contract. "We rented a 12,000 sqm plot of land where we will build a 3,500 sqm facility, and hire 150 people to work there. The construction will be completed in no more than 12 months from receiving the authorisation and this is when we will begin production, as well," Peter Pal, Energobit's chairman told ZF Transilvania. He argued this choice of location by the facilities offered by the Cluj-based park to the manufacturing companies in the high-tech sector. "Our company puts a special emphasis on highly skilled personnel, and our future plans about the investment in the Tetarom park are precisely based on the high-tech related facilities, namely the access to communications via the Internet and business safety," Peter Pal added. ZF


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